I find a few things interesting about this report of Calderon's visit to the U.S. ---
"The encounter had a decidedly grass-roots tone, which, from the looks of his official agenda, seems to be exactly the tone that Mr. Calderón is trying to strike during his first official visit to the United States since he took office on Dec. 1, 2006."
Admittedly, I don't know much about mr. calderon. I haven't been following his presidency. I have heard however that there are reports of heightened military presence in such areas as Oaxaca and Chiapas. I guess a couple of links to articles would be good here....
Going back to the article:
Joel Magallán, executive director of Asociación Tepeyac de New York, an education and advocacy group, called the meeting “una entrada,” or an entryway, meaning it was not meaningful enough to produce any results, but could mark the start of a relationship.
“Yes, the meeting was important so he could see the faces of the people who have been working for the Mexicans in the United States,” Mr. Magallán said in Spanish after the encounter...Something seems amiss here, a translation error or something, since obviously what's important are the Mexican faces working in the United States...
Mr. Calderón also talked about the inter-dependence that has characterized United States-Mexico relations, with Mexico providing much of the low-wage labor needed in the United States and the United States providing Mexicans who are here the opportunity to work and sending billions of dollars each year to support their families back home.

I would like to hear what mr. calderon had to say on this matter. This is an interesting thing to hear any presidential leader discussing--namely that the immigration issue is on both sides of the border. I know Obama acknowledges that immigration reform must occur on both sides of the border---here's his "official" stance on immigration. With Clinton all I get are memories of NAFTA...ugh...
Quoting Norberta Díaz of Asociación de Mujeres Poblanas, a Brooklyn-based organization that educates Mexican women about America’s health and educational systems:
“We’re not asking for amnesty — all we ask for is reform,” she added. “We hope he won’t do like President Fox did when Bush came to Mexico, when he had this big party with ranchera music and food. When he hosts a visit from the next president of the United States, we hope that Calderón talks about immigration and shows that he’s interested, that he cares about what happens to the Mexicans who are here.”
I didn't know that president fox threw a party with ranchera music and food when president bush came to visit!!! How come we weren't invited? That would have been hilarious to see!!! Can you imagine bush with his stupid little smirk trying to enjoy ranchera music??? Too funny too funny...